From Human Events via Red State comes the "shocking" (yawn ...) news that, despite all the Statist whining and wolf-crying, the U.S. Tops in Energy Resources.
Well, duuuuuuhhhhh!!! Now, before you start the standard primal scream about "WHY???", think of this ...
Statists love to make the "Capitalists" out to be evil for suggesting that we "use up" our valuable resources.
Again, why? Because, as selfish and shortsighted children (go ahead, quote me!) they figure if you make the other guy sell you all of his stuff first, you'll be able to rule HIM too, when his stuff runs out! Genius, sheer genius! Give away all our money on overpriced oil, ensuring that despots remain your closest buddies, then when the other guy runs out of stuff to sell, sell him what you've denied your own people! SHARE THE MISERY!
In the meantime, remember that it doesn't matter if you lie to get there, "the ends justify the means."
After all, oppressing & pauperizing your own people AND the "other guys" is what Socialism is all about, isn't it?
As if you haven't heard, Ford is showing that tightening their belt rather than taking a bailout was a "better idea." Meanwhile, the Bay Bridge is shut down for days on end, due to the use of sub-standard Chinese made steel products. And what's the truth? Accountability and excellence pays off.
In the 23rd Disrict, the Conservative Candidate for Congress is polling ahead, and Obama's "boys" are busily declaiming any connection between Barry's actions and words, and the curious ongoing resurgence of True Conservatism in America. Once again, it's "just words, just speeches."
More tomorrow, my friends! Got a conference call with Senator DeMint, so, be there or be square!
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