With the revelation that the "Pelosi Health Care Poison Pill Bill" is due to clear the House Floor on Saturday, it's time to make perfectly clear the progression of events that have taken place so far in the ongoing "Hostile Takeover" of the American Economy.
The key is the Obamist "transformation of America." In every case, we were TOLD quite openly that we would be required to "sacrifice" for the "Hope & Change" that were so nebulously promised, and that the President told us we were "demanding."
But, what did he actually mean? Ms. Obama answered that question quite plainly:
So, the President will require us to "Change" and "work." But, we still don't know exactly what that means.
So, lets look to the sage counsel of ex-Congressman Rohm Emmanuel, White House Chief-of-Staff:
So, one of the "changes" we'll be required to undergo will be an involuntary, mandatory term of ... well, lets just be blunt and say indoctrination.
But, what's that I hear you screaming at me? What about "individual liberties?"
Well, for more on that front, lets go to Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, and the well known Liberal Democrat & past Presidential Senior Adviser, Pat Caddell:
And Part 2:
To say that, at the time this was first presented to me, I was shocked would be an understatement.But, that was a younger, more naive moment for America, that August, over 2 long months ago.
It was a tumultuous time. I was in the thick of it, yelling for water in Concord, California, in front of Rep. George "Where's George?" Miller's office, eating burritos "on the bus" with Families Protecting the Valley and holding my "you can't drink a smelt" sign high in the air on the Hannity show from Huron. It was a heady moment.
Then, seemingly out of nowhere, General Stanley McChrystal made the amazing "faux pas" of daring to go before the American Public to make known his ignored request for 40,00 troops to "win the war" in Afghanistan. Even though he'd been appointed by the President himself, he found it hard to get even a 20 minute "conference" with Mr. Obama to discus ... errrr ... discuss trying to "win the war." (Sorry, I had an "Olympic Moment" there, it won't happen again!)
If you'll remember, Mr. Obama was very busy with his primary role as President, that of "international superstar!" Or was that "all" he was?
Now we hear the straight simple; Robert "Uhhh ... What?" Gibbs says "It was weeks yesterday and it's weeks today," he replied when repeatedly questioned about whether any decision on Afghanistan was forthcoming. Passive-aggressive is what we in the personal counseling business call this sort of indecision. By Mr. Obama choosing not to make any decision, he feels he can deflect the inevitable "assignation of guilt," rather than actually making a decision.
This is a pattern of behavior that may seem, to himself, to serve Mr. Obama well, but it inevitably causes deprivation, death and destruction for those he is inevitably responsible to, and for.
This is true, whether it be the still living child of a botched abortion, or a casualty of a suicide bombing in Afghanistan. Mr. Obama is inevitably responsible to both, through his choice to vote "present," rather than standing upon a principle, any principle.
As any counselor can tell you, this accommodation allows the sick mind to deflect and defer realization of any responsibility for "tough decisions."
And now, for the real centerpiece of this three ring circus, we return to the House and the Pelosi Bill.
The monstrosity of this Bill is matched only by two things in this world; The size & complexity of its "government option" counterpart in the Senate, and the devastatingly ruinous effect both wiould have on every American.
The analysts are ripping it to shreds, and revealing the sheer universality of "poison pills" contained within the thousands of blood stained pages. You'll find ample examples at the Heritage Foundation's "Fix Health Care Policy Now!" informational site.
I feel that the most telling fact is this: Congress has decided to do to the Health Insurance industry what "They" & the Obama Administration did to GM & Chrysler. A hostile takeover.
Just as the stockholders took a back seat to the Government & Unions in the "bankruptcy" of the Auto Industry, the Government will require that Health Insurance companies maintain a business model that insures they will be bankrupted. Where every state in the Union require that Insurers raise premiums when the portion of premiums charged exceed 65 cents on the dollar, the House Bill requires both the Gov't and Private Insurers to pay out no less than 85 cents on the dollar.
This enforced business model is designed to bankrupt the Private Insurers, and in doing so, decimate their share value. And, as any share holder who was decimated in the GM bankruptcy and lost everything will tell you, your pension will go away.
The blunt upshot is that the Federal Government will get control of your Health Care, and the Pension Funds and Banks and Mutual Funds and ... Well, everyone and every entity that owns stock in these companies will lose all value.
And then what? Well, obviously, the Feds will have to bail out ( i.e. Nationalize ) these companies and the funds and ... Well, it follows, doesn't it?
They will have accomplished their goal in one fell swoop. Total Control over our lives.
So, from this rank layman's point of view, it's clear to see that this is yet another attempt at a "Hostile Takeover" of every Americans very life.
Here in the Central Valley of California, Republican Politicians, acting in"good faith," negotiated away both our water and our hydroelectric power. The pumps have been turned off during growing season, and now that the water harnessed for agriculture and human use from the San Joaquin River is being diverted to "reestablish" a salmon fishery that has been gone since 1928, laying waste the worlds most bountiful agricultural region.
And the "good faith?" Well, the Enviro-Hypocrites turned right around, broke their word and sued for even more. Congress gave them what we were told was "the bottom line," and legislated against us. And pf course the Courts upheld their legislation against us.
This year, the average citizen of the Valley has finally woken up, hopefully not too late. It became, even to the most naive rube, painfully obvious that The Democrats and the Obama Administration and the House Leadership and OUR SENATORS are working to DESTROY US!
Dear Patriot, this may be your last chance to peacefully protect and regain your Freedoms.
Mr. Obama has told you to shut up and get out of the way. In much of the Nation, your elected "representatives" came, held "Town Halls" and told you to shut up. Some told you to "move away" if you disagreed with them.
Some were even so bold as to tell you straight out that they were simply going to vote as they wanted, without regard for their constituents opinions.
They decided that they represent themselves and their own selfish interests, not you.
And some simply canceled their "Town Hall's" when they found that those opposed to "Obamacare" & other tyrannical Federal takeovers would be attending in force, as at least one Congressman from our area did.
And, as we watch, "They" are stacking the deck against us, making it more seductive and more impossible to defy "Them." But, to save our Freedoms, we must!
For decades after the crushing "coming of age" that we-who-campaigned for Nixon in '72 suffered, I refused to do little more, politics wise, than participate in idle "bitch fests." What good would it do?
I was wrong. And I let my friends and family and Nation down.
So, let me be your example, if you feel that "there's no point" and "it's too late!"
Stand up. Get involved. Speak out to your friends, instead of screaming at the TV. Get a bumper sticker. Get involved in your Tea Party, and get a cause. And stand up for it!
Take a chance, before they legislate all your chances away.
You're only as powerless as you decide to be.
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