Well, I know that there are some Patriots out there who can't get Glen Beck, so here's my posting of both "The PLAN" & his great program section on "the connection."
For those of you who have to work or sleep during his program, or live at the bottom of a well eating bugs and worshiping hairballs (hey, ya never know ...) Glen Beck is the prime target of the Progressives and the White House and the Op-Media, and ... you know my drift.
Like yours truly, he's dedicating his life to waking up the American voting public.
He's not just stopping there, knowing that we tend to get a cuppa' joe, a bagel and then go back for a nap. Nope, he's serious about helping all of our confused or tired or frightened peers, and making sure that they know they're not alone.
So, without further editorial ado-do ("eeeeewwwww!"), here's Glen:
And "The PLAN"
As Glen suggested, I've gone to his site and am working on getting him to come to the Savemart Center with "The Plan." I hope that you'll join me, and join in planning to be one of those who will attend the August 28, 2010 Rally in D.C.
Now, the second "payoff" piece:
To put your word in for a Fresno site, go to http://www.glennbeck.com/content/articles/article/198/33398/
Any questions? Fine, lets get on with local fun.
Thanks to Breitbart.tv for the leads, and YouTube for allowing freedom of editing, which allowed other users to take Media Matters chopped up take on Glen's announcement , and edit it back together.
See, even Progressive shills can be useful.
Meanwhile, back here in "Dullsville":
Bill Beckham reports on the Central Valley Tea Party social site about this pithy video from the NUHW, posted at Breitbart.tv:
So, another small nail in the SEIU coffin. I've had the pleasure of speaking with "rank & file" members of numerous Unions in the past year, and without fail they're outraged at the continuous offenses committed by Union thugs. We're just waiting for them to rise at their meetings, as we did at the Town Halls, and take their Unions back. I hope it wil happen soon.
Thanks for the help, Bill!
From the Wall Street Journal & Meet the Press, via Drudge, Sen. Joe Leiberman says some interesting things, with Sen. Di-Fi looking on, doing her best "Old Stone Face" impression:
The questions that had persisted, and bugged me and others was exactly "WHY?" Senator Leiberman decided to vote to advance this Bill. This makes it all clear, and allows me to say that the microscope will now be applied to the entire process.
It will allow us to point out to "We, the People" who are finally paying attention, what's actually happening. Instead of simply "punching the pillow & rolling over," or just ordering another latte, we'll be able to "HOWL!" about exactly how screwed up the entire Legislative process has become.
Just as Sen. Mary Landrieu made clear just how eager her Leadership was to advance their "Historic" Bill at any cost to "We, the People," Sen. Leiberman see's a "win-win" in exposing how business as usual is done in the Senate. Remember "I voted for it, then I voted against it"?
"The spin" is what will make your head spin, eventually.
Whatever the spin is, what's actually happening is that the Progressives are showing us just how corrupt their "system" is.
The neat thing is that so many of us are now awake & willing to raise a ruckus!
The final word on this one is that we all have an opportunity to get out there, stand with our signs, call and write and email and ...
(Be sure to follow the WSJ link and read their analysis.)
After what can honestly be pronounced a whirlwind tour, the three Relay Teams met and delivered the donations of patriotic and charitable folk from all over the Nation.
Along with all of the local efforts, the great folks of the Tea Party Patriots and Families Protecting the Valley have made a real difference in gaining National attention to the plight of Valley Farmers, and the Workers who've been so deeply affected. In addition, they've been able to point out how easily any other part of America could become a casualty of Enviro-Hypocrites.
Keep it up, Patriots!
The Daily Bug is available at least a few days of the week at the NObama County Register.
Feel free to comment or reply or make fun of me or give some sort of feedback, since I sometimes get kinda lonely at this nice little keyboard.
I promise that I'll keep trying to annoy you into talking back.
I promise that I'll keep trying to annoy you into talking back.
1 comment:
Thanks for helping me count! And, thanks for encouraging people to talk back to you - dialogue is everything in getting our country back in gear!
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