My dear granddaughter,
I'm glad you took my suggestion to read Fahrenheit 451. I'm offering the following info just in case it is helpful for you in recognizing its timeless significance regarding what's happening right now in your time, as well as many other times in my life. My introduction to Bradbury at 15 (the year Fahrenheit was published - can you imagine I was ever 15?!) was The Martian Chronicles. You might be interested to know one of his most recent books is The Homecoming, about a family reunion of vampires.
Fahreheit 451 is a cautionary tale written by a master writer of science fiction illustrating a dystopia - an imaginary place where conditions are extremely bad. (opposite of utopia - an imaginary place where conditions are perfect.)
The question the book asks is whether people can be dominated by burning their books - the documents of their history, their literature, their creative expression of ideas - and by filling the void in their heads with mind numbing TV entertainment.
As you can probably imagine, I can suggest many things to you that I see happening in our world right now which call our attention to the importance of this question. I'll bet you can too. For now, I'll just say I'm watching another round of the same old argument over whether freedom or tyranny is more likely to balance commercial enterprise with human compassion, and I think it is very important that a lot of people are arguing about this matter now!
From the author's home site -, here is one story about the book, published in 1953, that might make you laugh as to its relevance today:
In the late '50s, Bradbury observed that the novel touches on the alienation of people by media:
In writing the short novel Fahrenheit 451 I thought I was describing a world that might evolve in four or five decades. But only a few weeks ago, in Beverly Hills one night, a husband and wife passed me, walking their dog. I stood staring after them, absolutely stunned. The woman held in one hand a small cigarette-package-sized radio, its antenna quivering. From this sprang tiny copper wires which ended in a dainty cone plugged into her right ear. There she was, oblivious to man and dog, listening to far winds and whispers and soap-opera cries, sleep-walking, helped up and down curbs by a husband who might just as well not have been there. This was not fiction.
Bradbury directly foretells this incident early in the work:
And in her ears the little Seashells, the thimble radios tamped tight, and an electronic ocean of sound, of music and talk and music and talking coming in. (page 12 - not sure if that's true of your paperbook copy)
ALSO - Bradbury has said that television destroying interest in reading literature leads to a perception of knowledge as being composed of "factoids", partial information devoid of context, e.g., Napoleon's birth date alone, without an indication of who he was.
It's my experience that access to fuller factual information helps keep the conversation going - prevents shutting off dissenting ideas which is obviously a very important ingredient of our Constitution - see the First Amendment's confirmation of freedom of speech.
Perhaps our current President's pursuit of his campaign promise to "fundamentally transform America" is not a threat to our freedoms, but it is important for us all to pay attention if we want to keep our Republic which Benjamin Franklin warned would take a lot of work. I suspect he and the other Founding Fathers hoped for just the kind of work that's happening now - civil discourse - conversation - debate - all the sharing of all sorts of ideas from books and from people just living their own lives. And right now, I'm very thankful for the internet, which is rumoured to be another current target of governmental control.
I am writing all this to you because young people like you keep up my hopes that America will remain as promising for your generation as it has been for mine.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Two viewpoints, one solution for Water- By Victor Davis Hansen & Jim Boren, w/ commentary
A fishy tale about California water
Sep 27, 2009
Published online in the Fresno Bee
Sunday, Sep. 27, 2009
By Victor Davis Hanson
California is in an uproar over water.
Nearly a quarter-million acres worth of contracted federal irrigation deliveries have been cut from the big farms of the west side of the San Joaquin Valley in central California. The water in large part is being diverted to the salty San Francisco Bay and the Delta to improve marine ecology.
The result of the cutbacks is that many crops in the San Joaquin Valley have gone unplanted. Farm income is down. Thousands of farm laborers are unemployed. Growers and workers are now livid at environmentalists, federal bureaucrats and judges for worrying more about fish than about people and food growing.
Environmentalists counter that the real cause of the cutoff is an ongoing drought. They argue there are too many claims on too little fresh water with no margin of safety in dry years like this one. The problem is not just saving tiny Delta smelt or salmon, but a larger one of living within our means and not polluting our fragile ecosystem.
Emotion colors the arguments of both sides. The west side is not yet a "dust bowl," as claimed on Fox News, and San Francisco Bay and the Delta will not turn stagnant, as some environmentalists fret. The majority of west-side land is still farmed, and the bay is far cleaner than it was decades ago.
The crisis is not over an entire valley, but instead a sizable part of it without regular irrigation deliveries. For those farmers and workers whose livelihoods depend on that parched acreage, the result is undeniably catastrophic.
All this should remind us that Americans have developed a bad habit of avoiding tough choices. Californians could build more dams and more canals, and farm with adequate irrigation, but that would mean fewer natural flowing rivers, fewer fish and saltier deltas.
Few, though, will honestly acknowledge, "I want 10,000 acres of almonds, but I realize that will mean a slightly saltier delta and less marine life," or, on the flip side, "I vote for more Delta smelt but understand that will mean fewer tomatoes."
Instead of making these bad/worse decisions, we dream on about a natural California, with plenty of rain, stuffed with 36 million affluent residents (most of them crammed near Los Angeles or San Francisco).
Amnesiac federal officials and judges likewise are just as unrealistic.
The problems with fish in San Francisco Bay Area water are not just because fresh river water is being sent to San Joaquin Valley farms.
Northern Californians -- sewer districts, businesses and developers -- also are dumping more treated wastewater and run-off into the Delta and bay, and more fresh water is thus needed to flush it out. Yet it seems easier to cut short a few thousand farmers and farm workers than to order millions of Northern Californians to alter their habits.
It was also the federal government in the first place that, rightly or wrongly, built the dams, canals and pumps to provide the vast water transfers for farming. Once upon a time, the government saw public benefit in turning arid land into green productive farms.
So naturally the federal government also provided the crop and irrigation subsidies to encourage a few individuals to create a vast corporate agribusiness out of former alkali wasteland of the valley's west side. Now that its old dream of new productive farms, plentiful food and thousands of new jobs is realized, a different sort of bureaucracy and judiciary has the luxury to renege and question whether the investment was ever worth it.
Californians and Americans, of course, will still eat no matter what happens to this water, as they still drive. But if we do not produce our own food and fuel, someone else will do it for us.
That means we will have to earn -- or borrow -- the necessary cash payments from somewhere to ensure our present standard of living. Good luck with that. Currently the United States is running a $2 trillion annual deficit and a $32-billion-a-month trade deficit. California itself is trying to recover from a recent $42 billion annual budget shortfall.
Unless we cut our population or our appetites, each acre of food we idle in the United States -- just like every barrel of oil we don't pump -- means that we will import what we take for granted from somewhere else.
We can be sure that even if we find the money to pay those who sell us our imported food and fuel, they will produce it in a lot messier fashion than we can ever imagine -- ensuring a poorer America and a dirtier planet all at once.
There's not much that I can add to this article. Mr. Hansen makes his conclusions clear; Either plan and build, profit & grow, or surrender to a dwindling of our national vitality, influence, and worth.
Or even worse, become a Totalitarian society that dictates how many children its citizens "may" have, and what sex they will be. And that will only be the start of the "decrees."
The "Environmentalists" decry the management attitude of the true conservationist, and invariably advocate the deprivation of someone else to achieve their desires. All one need do is look at their willful ignorance of Delta municipalities continued dumping of partially treated sewage into the Delta. Their attitude uniformly reflects the same attitude that has made recent wildfires so devastating, the denial of intelligent and sustainable management.
This self serving attitude is "countered" in their captive press most often by such mealy mouthed drivel as was recently written by Jim Boren of the Fresno Bee:
Republicans' role in water crisis
Sep 26, 2009
Published in the Merced Sun-Star
Saturday September 26, 2009
To hear all the shouting over the lack of water for farms on the San Joaquin Valley's Westside, you'd think this problem was created solely by Democrats catering to their environmental friends. But the Republicans also played a major role in diverting farm water to environmental uses.
In 1992, then-President George H.W. Bush signed the Miller-Bradley bill to reform the Central Valley Project. Bush did this even after coming to Fresno and promising farmers that he would veto the bill when it got to his desk.
California agricultural interests vehemently opposed the bill inspired by their political nemesis, Rep. George Miller, D-Martinez.
Farmers said it would devastate the state's agricultural industry. Bush signed the measure, which also included water projects for other Western states, just days before the 1992 presidential election.
We're still feeling the damage of that bill 17 years later. The legislation set aside about 1.2 million acre-feet of CVP water every year for environmental restoration, wildlife refuges and rivers. That's a significant loss of water to farmers, and set the foundation for the water losses farmers are experiencing today.
Farmers have every right to blame the environmental movement for their plight, but the Miller-Bradley reform was supported by both parties. For example, the bill passed 83-8 in the U.S. Senate prior to it being signed by Bush.
Republicans blame the Endangered Species Act for causing the diversion of even more water for environmental purposes, and they are correct. But what they don't say is they had the power to change the bill, and didn't. For six years when George W. Bush was president, the Republicans held both houses of Congress but let the ESA stand.
This demonstrates why it's so difficult for farmers to make their case nationally for more water. They may call environmentalists wackos -- or communists in the case of Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Visalia -- but nationally the environmental movement is a lot more accepted than you'd think listening to Valley talk radio.
That's why I believe the strategy of demonizing environmentalists isn't working. The agricultural community needs to stop framing this issue as "fish vs. people" and explain to Americans that they need water to grow the nation's food so they aren't forced to buy their food overseas.
Farm supporters flirt with this issue with signs that say, "If you like foreign oil, you'll love foreign food." But they aren't committed to that as a strategy. Their dislike for the environmental movement seems to trump good political sense on this issue.
I'm also stunned that farmers don't point out they were environmentalists before the movement was cool. They should be explaining how they must protect their land to make crops grow year after year.
What's a better environmental choice? Growing crops on productive land or paving it over for shopping centers?
But farmers would rather slug it out with environmentalists than point out the many things they have in common. So they trot out the tired "fish vs. people" argument.
I agree that the balance in this debate has been shifted to the environmental side because of the Miller-Bradley bill, the ESA and recent court decisions. But the Republicans went along with the bills when they could have blocked them or made changes.
It's time that Valley agriculture revamp their political strategy. Make a convincing case to Americans that they are better off having their food grown on American soil. It sure beats the flawed tactics that have allowed environmental opponents to control the flow of water.
Jim Boren is The Fresno Bee's editorial page editor. E-mail him at
The fact that Mr. Boren seems to uniformly side-step is that the Farmers have been poorly served by both the Democrat & Republican Parties. With the sole exception of Rep. Nunes, Central California Representatives and Senators have done a dismal job of protecting the interests of their constituents. Many, such as our "lifetime" Senators, have fervently voted to decimate the livelihood of their constituents, attempting to placate their true constituents. Mr. Boren attitude seems to be "Well, what do you expect Democrat's to do?"
Why does it take a lay fellow such as myself, nearly yelling in the face of a Concord City Councilman, to get him to address the "domino effect" that is taking place due to the self serving actions of Rep. George Miller? He already knew that every farm job lost affects at least 8 additional NObama County jobs.
However, he'd missed the inevitable effects that would pose upon his own locality.
The realization that dawned upon his face was astonishing, when, after his "We should have more hearings on storage," I made the truthful statement that silenced him: "We have been debating more storage since before 1973, when I debated it in High School Ecology class. WHEN DO WE MAKE A DECISION TO BUILD?!?"
The time for funding studies and debate is past. Decisions must be made. Dams & canals must be built. Telling us we can't grow, and the unstated "Sorry, you'll just have to move!" isn't an answer.
Absurdly, Mr. Boren preaches that both sides join, yet attempts to evade any commitment to the cause of Agriculture. Sadly, I've yet to see Mr. Boren out at one of the Water Rallies. He has yet to show the slightest bit of real, substantial support, much less impartially informed reportage.
If he'd been present for the trip to the Concord March, much less the march itself, he'd have seen & heard our efforts to tie together the interests of ALL Californians, not to mention all Americans. Our appeals to the Union members and paid "activists" were to come and support their own Union brethren whose jobs had been affected and sometimes lost by the regulatory drought.
Our efforts are not about "winning," as though this were a game. They are aimed at saving our very way of life.
I applaud the honesty and frank discussion of realities that Mr. Hansen engages in, and sadly, must point to Mr. Boren as just another part of the problem. Mr. Boren, let me tell you what we expect Democrat's, Republicans and ANYONE who runs for, and wins public office to do; SERVE THE PEOPLE>
We expect and demand that every Politician will work for ALL Americans. The people who buy our agricultural products expect us to give them our best in return for their money. We must make it clear that we expect nothing less from ALL "public servants."
The feigned and disingenuous outrage of Senator Feinstein is ridiculous and offensive. Her ignorance of the plight of 40,000 NObamans is inexcusable. Her lies are sickening. And the continued "pass" of her captive press make clear that they are simply willing sycophants.
My last word: Politicians, Press & everyone else, stop acting like children playing dodgeball, and GROW THE HELL UP! Look about yourself, and stop choosing the easy, selfish solution. Realize that we will diminish and die as a People if we decide not to grow up and improve the lives of ALL people.
"Water for All" means just that, for ALL. Dams can be built, sewage treatment plants can be built, fish can thrive, farms can thrive, and happiness can be pursued.
And we shall ALL overcome.
Sep 27, 2009
Published online in the Fresno Bee
Sunday, Sep. 27, 2009
By Victor Davis Hanson
California is in an uproar over water.
Nearly a quarter-million acres worth of contracted federal irrigation deliveries have been cut from the big farms of the west side of the San Joaquin Valley in central California. The water in large part is being diverted to the salty San Francisco Bay and the Delta to improve marine ecology.
The result of the cutbacks is that many crops in the San Joaquin Valley have gone unplanted. Farm income is down. Thousands of farm laborers are unemployed. Growers and workers are now livid at environmentalists, federal bureaucrats and judges for worrying more about fish than about people and food growing.
Environmentalists counter that the real cause of the cutoff is an ongoing drought. They argue there are too many claims on too little fresh water with no margin of safety in dry years like this one. The problem is not just saving tiny Delta smelt or salmon, but a larger one of living within our means and not polluting our fragile ecosystem.
Emotion colors the arguments of both sides. The west side is not yet a "dust bowl," as claimed on Fox News, and San Francisco Bay and the Delta will not turn stagnant, as some environmentalists fret. The majority of west-side land is still farmed, and the bay is far cleaner than it was decades ago.
The crisis is not over an entire valley, but instead a sizable part of it without regular irrigation deliveries. For those farmers and workers whose livelihoods depend on that parched acreage, the result is undeniably catastrophic.
All this should remind us that Americans have developed a bad habit of avoiding tough choices. Californians could build more dams and more canals, and farm with adequate irrigation, but that would mean fewer natural flowing rivers, fewer fish and saltier deltas.
Few, though, will honestly acknowledge, "I want 10,000 acres of almonds, but I realize that will mean a slightly saltier delta and less marine life," or, on the flip side, "I vote for more Delta smelt but understand that will mean fewer tomatoes."
Instead of making these bad/worse decisions, we dream on about a natural California, with plenty of rain, stuffed with 36 million affluent residents (most of them crammed near Los Angeles or San Francisco).
Amnesiac federal officials and judges likewise are just as unrealistic.
The problems with fish in San Francisco Bay Area water are not just because fresh river water is being sent to San Joaquin Valley farms.
Northern Californians -- sewer districts, businesses and developers -- also are dumping more treated wastewater and run-off into the Delta and bay, and more fresh water is thus needed to flush it out. Yet it seems easier to cut short a few thousand farmers and farm workers than to order millions of Northern Californians to alter their habits.
It was also the federal government in the first place that, rightly or wrongly, built the dams, canals and pumps to provide the vast water transfers for farming. Once upon a time, the government saw public benefit in turning arid land into green productive farms.
So naturally the federal government also provided the crop and irrigation subsidies to encourage a few individuals to create a vast corporate agribusiness out of former alkali wasteland of the valley's west side. Now that its old dream of new productive farms, plentiful food and thousands of new jobs is realized, a different sort of bureaucracy and judiciary has the luxury to renege and question whether the investment was ever worth it.
Californians and Americans, of course, will still eat no matter what happens to this water, as they still drive. But if we do not produce our own food and fuel, someone else will do it for us.
That means we will have to earn -- or borrow -- the necessary cash payments from somewhere to ensure our present standard of living. Good luck with that. Currently the United States is running a $2 trillion annual deficit and a $32-billion-a-month trade deficit. California itself is trying to recover from a recent $42 billion annual budget shortfall.
Unless we cut our population or our appetites, each acre of food we idle in the United States -- just like every barrel of oil we don't pump -- means that we will import what we take for granted from somewhere else.
We can be sure that even if we find the money to pay those who sell us our imported food and fuel, they will produce it in a lot messier fashion than we can ever imagine -- ensuring a poorer America and a dirtier planet all at once.
There's not much that I can add to this article. Mr. Hansen makes his conclusions clear; Either plan and build, profit & grow, or surrender to a dwindling of our national vitality, influence, and worth.
Or even worse, become a Totalitarian society that dictates how many children its citizens "may" have, and what sex they will be. And that will only be the start of the "decrees."
The "Environmentalists" decry the management attitude of the true conservationist, and invariably advocate the deprivation of someone else to achieve their desires. All one need do is look at their willful ignorance of Delta municipalities continued dumping of partially treated sewage into the Delta. Their attitude uniformly reflects the same attitude that has made recent wildfires so devastating, the denial of intelligent and sustainable management.
This self serving attitude is "countered" in their captive press most often by such mealy mouthed drivel as was recently written by Jim Boren of the Fresno Bee:
Republicans' role in water crisis
Sep 26, 2009
Published in the Merced Sun-Star
Saturday September 26, 2009
To hear all the shouting over the lack of water for farms on the San Joaquin Valley's Westside, you'd think this problem was created solely by Democrats catering to their environmental friends. But the Republicans also played a major role in diverting farm water to environmental uses.
In 1992, then-President George H.W. Bush signed the Miller-Bradley bill to reform the Central Valley Project. Bush did this even after coming to Fresno and promising farmers that he would veto the bill when it got to his desk.
California agricultural interests vehemently opposed the bill inspired by their political nemesis, Rep. George Miller, D-Martinez.
Farmers said it would devastate the state's agricultural industry. Bush signed the measure, which also included water projects for other Western states, just days before the 1992 presidential election.
We're still feeling the damage of that bill 17 years later. The legislation set aside about 1.2 million acre-feet of CVP water every year for environmental restoration, wildlife refuges and rivers. That's a significant loss of water to farmers, and set the foundation for the water losses farmers are experiencing today.
Farmers have every right to blame the environmental movement for their plight, but the Miller-Bradley reform was supported by both parties. For example, the bill passed 83-8 in the U.S. Senate prior to it being signed by Bush.
Republicans blame the Endangered Species Act for causing the diversion of even more water for environmental purposes, and they are correct. But what they don't say is they had the power to change the bill, and didn't. For six years when George W. Bush was president, the Republicans held both houses of Congress but let the ESA stand.
This demonstrates why it's so difficult for farmers to make their case nationally for more water. They may call environmentalists wackos -- or communists in the case of Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Visalia -- but nationally the environmental movement is a lot more accepted than you'd think listening to Valley talk radio.
That's why I believe the strategy of demonizing environmentalists isn't working. The agricultural community needs to stop framing this issue as "fish vs. people" and explain to Americans that they need water to grow the nation's food so they aren't forced to buy their food overseas.
Farm supporters flirt with this issue with signs that say, "If you like foreign oil, you'll love foreign food." But they aren't committed to that as a strategy. Their dislike for the environmental movement seems to trump good political sense on this issue.
I'm also stunned that farmers don't point out they were environmentalists before the movement was cool. They should be explaining how they must protect their land to make crops grow year after year.
What's a better environmental choice? Growing crops on productive land or paving it over for shopping centers?
But farmers would rather slug it out with environmentalists than point out the many things they have in common. So they trot out the tired "fish vs. people" argument.
I agree that the balance in this debate has been shifted to the environmental side because of the Miller-Bradley bill, the ESA and recent court decisions. But the Republicans went along with the bills when they could have blocked them or made changes.
It's time that Valley agriculture revamp their political strategy. Make a convincing case to Americans that they are better off having their food grown on American soil. It sure beats the flawed tactics that have allowed environmental opponents to control the flow of water.
Jim Boren is The Fresno Bee's editorial page editor. E-mail him at
The fact that Mr. Boren seems to uniformly side-step is that the Farmers have been poorly served by both the Democrat & Republican Parties. With the sole exception of Rep. Nunes, Central California Representatives and Senators have done a dismal job of protecting the interests of their constituents. Many, such as our "lifetime" Senators, have fervently voted to decimate the livelihood of their constituents, attempting to placate their true constituents. Mr. Boren attitude seems to be "Well, what do you expect Democrat's to do?"
Why does it take a lay fellow such as myself, nearly yelling in the face of a Concord City Councilman, to get him to address the "domino effect" that is taking place due to the self serving actions of Rep. George Miller? He already knew that every farm job lost affects at least 8 additional NObama County jobs.
However, he'd missed the inevitable effects that would pose upon his own locality.
The realization that dawned upon his face was astonishing, when, after his "We should have more hearings on storage," I made the truthful statement that silenced him: "We have been debating more storage since before 1973, when I debated it in High School Ecology class. WHEN DO WE MAKE A DECISION TO BUILD?!?"
The time for funding studies and debate is past. Decisions must be made. Dams & canals must be built. Telling us we can't grow, and the unstated "Sorry, you'll just have to move!" isn't an answer.
Absurdly, Mr. Boren preaches that both sides join, yet attempts to evade any commitment to the cause of Agriculture. Sadly, I've yet to see Mr. Boren out at one of the Water Rallies. He has yet to show the slightest bit of real, substantial support, much less impartially informed reportage.
If he'd been present for the trip to the Concord March, much less the march itself, he'd have seen & heard our efforts to tie together the interests of ALL Californians, not to mention all Americans. Our appeals to the Union members and paid "activists" were to come and support their own Union brethren whose jobs had been affected and sometimes lost by the regulatory drought.
Our efforts are not about "winning," as though this were a game. They are aimed at saving our very way of life.
I applaud the honesty and frank discussion of realities that Mr. Hansen engages in, and sadly, must point to Mr. Boren as just another part of the problem. Mr. Boren, let me tell you what we expect Democrat's, Republicans and ANYONE who runs for, and wins public office to do; SERVE THE PEOPLE>
We expect and demand that every Politician will work for ALL Americans. The people who buy our agricultural products expect us to give them our best in return for their money. We must make it clear that we expect nothing less from ALL "public servants."
The feigned and disingenuous outrage of Senator Feinstein is ridiculous and offensive. Her ignorance of the plight of 40,000 NObamans is inexcusable. Her lies are sickening. And the continued "pass" of her captive press make clear that they are simply willing sycophants.
My last word: Politicians, Press & everyone else, stop acting like children playing dodgeball, and GROW THE HELL UP! Look about yourself, and stop choosing the easy, selfish solution. Realize that we will diminish and die as a People if we decide not to grow up and improve the lives of ALL people.
"Water for All" means just that, for ALL. Dams can be built, sewage treatment plants can be built, fish can thrive, farms can thrive, and happiness can be pursued.
And we shall ALL overcome.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Democrats Use Stealth Tactics on Healthcare Bill - From the Heritage Foundation
by Ernest Istook September 25, 2009 | They still don't listen. Citizens cried out this summer for Congress to "read the bills" and understand the consequences of healthcare legislation before deciding and voting. But senators are refusing not only to read the details, but even to put them in writing before a committee vote. Leaders in Congress are trying to fast-track healthcare "reform" while slow-tracking the details. And the Obama administration is trying to silence those who dare to criticize and oppose its plans. It's part of an unhealthy pattern of stealth tactics, made worse by the push to rush things faster than public awareness can catch up. Those pushing must have seen the recent Washington Post poll showing 54 percent of Americans agree that, "The more I hear about the healthcare plan, the less I like it." The obvious conclusion is that backers fear an informed public, lest support will sink faster and farther. Given the opportunity to inform the public about the fine print of Finance Committee deliberations, senators voted no. The committee rejected this transparency proposal from Sen. Jim Bunning, R-Ky.: "That before the Finance Committee can vote on final passage of 'America's Healthy Future Act of 2009,' the legislative language and a final and complete cost analysis by the Congressional Budget Office must be publicly available on the Finance Committee's Web site for at least 72 hours." All Republican senators plus Sen. Blanche Lincoln, D-Ark., supported Bunning's idea; all other Democrats voted against it. So those who want to read the bill cannot -- because there is no bill. Instead, senators are working from a mere outline (if 200 pages can be called "mere") by Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., plus 564 "conceptual" amendments. Only after Baucus' committee approves it would staff be instructed to go back and write a bill that had already been approved! That could run to at least 1,500 pages. It's a crafty solution to the problem described by Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., "What good is reading the bill if it's a thousand pages and you don't have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?" Democrats such as Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., claim that it's better to work from a "plain English" outline rather than the arcane language often found in complex legislation. But how would senators be certain that the ultimate gobbledygook is a correct translation if they don't review it before voting? In essence, senators are denying lay citizens and learned experts the ability to monitor the work, to help avoid unintended consequences and to blow the whistle on intended ones. Told that it would take two weeks to comply with the Bunning amendment, Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, said, "If it takes two more weeks, it takes two more weeks. I don't understand, what is the rush?" Yet Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., wants the bill on the floor by the start of October and says he's willing to cancel the Oct. 10 Columbus Day recess to move the bill. In the House, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is talking about similar quick action. By controlling both the calendar and the available information, proponents try to control communication, public awareness, and the all-important political spin. There's also the Obama administration's effort to silence critics. It goes beyond the president's claim that he would "call out" the opposition. The Department of Health and Human Services has sent a warning letter to Humana insurance, telling companies (who would take a huge hit from the legislation) to stop "misleading" and "confusing" mailings. The official letter said, "We are instructing you to immediately discontinue all such mailings and remove any related materials from your websites." They added a threat of "investigation," plus "enforcement actions." Humana's crime? It had written customers in its Medicare Advantage Program that under healthcare reform, "millions of seniors and disabled individuals could lose many important benefits and services." The HHS letter is a scary parallel to how leaders in the House tried to muzzle members of Congress who criticized the bill in mail sent to their constituents. Those who oppose the plan are also put down as know-nothings. As HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told angry citizens at Sen. Arlen Specter's town hall meeting, "The Senate bill isn't written so don't boo the senator for not reading a bill that isn't written." So why is her side now supporting phantom legislation? Keeping the opposition in the dark while you move in fast is not the way to run our republic. Stealth is a tactic that should be reserved to America's military, for use against our enemies. It shouldn't be used by America's politicians against our own people. Ernest Istook is recovering from serving 14 years in Congress and is now a distinguished fellow at The Heritage Foundation. ©2009 The Heritage Foundation All Rights Reserved. |
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A letter to Senator Feinstein on Health Care Re-Form
Dear Senator,
In contrast to my diatribes of last week, I'd like to thank you for your continued publicly stated doubts on the fictional Health Care Re-Form "Bill" now being rushed through the Senate. Please pardon me if I show any lack of trust in your veracity.
However, after being burned by Representative Radanovich and his turnabout on the Bush Stimulus package last fall, I will be following your words and votes as this "Bill" goes ahead or flounders.
Be assured that, as a true Independent, the single most important goal of the People's Representatives in my eyes is to re-form all of the functions that you and your predecessors have assumed toward the People. We both know that what has been promised as "entitlements" are totally unrealistic, as unrealistic as "Environmentalists" who show their hypocrisy by tarring Farmers, while they ignore the sewage being pumped into the "Bay" Delta by municipalities who are controlled by their supporters.
I'm sure that you're aware that the fastest growing political segment in California are Independents. We're fed up to the scalp with secret deals and lying connivers, and Politicians who negotiate away what we've built. We Independents feel less than no allegiance to Parties, and Party Politicians. Whether you're a Democrat or Republican or any other Party, we are now awake, and checking your votes. More importantly, we're verifying your words and assertions, and will stand with folded arms as you speak, and hold you to your words.
It would do your personal cause well to comment and vote favorably about requiring a transparent Citizen review process of any Health Care Re-Form "Bill" before casting any vote in its favor. I predict that any vote for such a "Bill" will be to the detriment of your career.
In closing, I hope that you are more thoroughly informed of the true desires of your full constituency in re: Health Care Reform than on Central Valley Water Policy. As a lifelong part of the Private Sector, I've seen the good that can be done by promoting competition, and the damage that is uniformly done by Government monopoly. We're surrounded by examples, especially here in Fresno, and it's time to change this tide.
Kris Rowe,
In contrast to my diatribes of last week, I'd like to thank you for your continued publicly stated doubts on the fictional Health Care Re-Form "Bill" now being rushed through the Senate. Please pardon me if I show any lack of trust in your veracity.
However, after being burned by Representative Radanovich and his turnabout on the Bush Stimulus package last fall, I will be following your words and votes as this "Bill" goes ahead or flounders.
Be assured that, as a true Independent, the single most important goal of the People's Representatives in my eyes is to re-form all of the functions that you and your predecessors have assumed toward the People. We both know that what has been promised as "entitlements" are totally unrealistic, as unrealistic as "Environmentalists" who show their hypocrisy by tarring Farmers, while they ignore the sewage being pumped into the "Bay" Delta by municipalities who are controlled by their supporters.
I'm sure that you're aware that the fastest growing political segment in California are Independents. We're fed up to the scalp with secret deals and lying connivers, and Politicians who negotiate away what we've built. We Independents feel less than no allegiance to Parties, and Party Politicians. Whether you're a Democrat or Republican or any other Party, we are now awake, and checking your votes. More importantly, we're verifying your words and assertions, and will stand with folded arms as you speak, and hold you to your words.
It would do your personal cause well to comment and vote favorably about requiring a transparent Citizen review process of any Health Care Re-Form "Bill" before casting any vote in its favor. I predict that any vote for such a "Bill" will be to the detriment of your career.
In closing, I hope that you are more thoroughly informed of the true desires of your full constituency in re: Health Care Reform than on Central Valley Water Policy. As a lifelong part of the Private Sector, I've seen the good that can be done by promoting competition, and the damage that is uniformly done by Government monopoly. We're surrounded by examples, especially here in Fresno, and it's time to change this tide.
Kris Rowe,
health care,
Saturday, September 26, 2009
A call for responsibility, and accountability - From C. Brooks and your Editor
from our Roving Correspondent, C. Brooks Nielsen:
I sent the following through the website This site provides the opportunity to be heard by a larger political audience. I will also hand write and snail mail this message to Senators Feinstein, Boxer, Snowe and the President. I am sharing my effort with hopes others will let government know what they have determined is best for our country. Without our combined show of interest, I fear the loss to our children of the American Promise.
I sent the following through the website This site provides the opportunity to be heard by a larger political audience. I will also hand write and snail mail this message to Senators Feinstein, Boxer, Snowe and the President. I am sharing my effort with hopes others will let government know what they have determined is best for our country. Without our combined show of interest, I fear the loss to our children of the American Promise.
Calling all elected public servants:
America has become a cookbook, and we are all on the menu. Government financial stimulus, cap and trade, home mortgage handouts, cash for clunkers, environmental tyranny, and worst of all, "healthcare for all" propels nothing but corruption.
YOU can stop the madness, but only if you fix what is broken and leave what works alone!
- What is broken is “the public option.” Clean up Medicare and Social Security and other “great society” burdens upon our successful capitalistic system. Restrict yourself otherwise to common defense from both domestic and foreign threats and to cooperative economic benefits for the free market system.
- What works may be clearly seen in the lives of most Americans who gladly take care of themselves and their loved ones and help others who are suffering from temporary set-backs in the course of life.
If you choose not to do your duty, you will be blessed with a comfortable retirement, thanks to American capitalism – unless, of course, you bankrupt America and capitulate to global chaos on your way out the door.
May God guide you to your own best outcomes.
Thanks, C. The matter of 'public accountability' has been on my mind all week.
We look at the House, the Senate, and even the Presidency, and see continuous examples of a dereliction of accountablity to our fellow Citizens.
We listen to Senator Feinstein lie most openly, in filibuster against an amendment that quite simply addressed a single action, and state that it would "cripple" her secret efforts to "help" our critical water shortage. (See last post, and watch the videos.)
When we look at her words, and juxtapose them with the words and actions of Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina, we see that her words were based, not in accountability & transparency, but in a perceived "ownership" of the people and geography of California. The lies that were stated in Senator Feinstein's filibuster were clearly meant for the ears of a press organ of which she feels firmly in control.
In my own life and my own past, I have been 'begged to indulge' those who felt that their wealth gave them excuse to demand a position not theirs by election. The priest who begged this of me was quite ready to sacrifice my wife's self esteem for a rich woman's monies. These were not monies she had earned, but had sued out of a rich husband, rich by his own toil, toil before her time.
This person felt that she could get what she desired, by pressuring the priest with threats of leaving if she didn't get her way. And, unfortunately, she was right.
And I left that church, never to return. Unfortunately for the church, the priest soon left for greener pastures, and position, and bigger money. And the church died.
Once again, I see myself in a fight for someone I love. I see myself in a fight for the People of NObama County, people who have found joy in the toil of farming, and happiness in the sight of a green field. I stand and smile, and see the reluctence of those around me to meet my gaze, to touch & be touched. But, little by little, I see the throng at the Water Rallies grow, the children being brought along, the teens seeing that they can be there & still "be cool." I see my fellows beginning to see that they are in-deed powerful, and only powerless if passive.
I recall how near I came to leaving this home of mine, after so many separate betrayals, so many "trespasses against me." Those individuals have found no great profit or protection in their betrayals.
Yet, I have found a great profit of spirit in going forward, and leaving betrayal behind.
Now we say to Senator Feinstein and others, "We see you."
We see your betrayals, your "secret" agreements, your "power politics." We also see that you do not see where true power lies, and that you will say and do anything to keep what you feel is "rightfully" yours.
And, in our grace, we will warn you. You do hold power, for now. We watch as you threaten, name call and cajole, as you feign outrage and label others bigots. We see your "Kabuki Theater."
We see & hear your denials, know the sins that you "omit," see the three fingers pointing back at you.
And we ask you to be righteous, and accept responsibility for what you've done, the trespasses you've committed. Whether "Ma'am" Boxer, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, Charles Rangel, Dianne Feinstein, or any of the guilty others, we don't care where you come from, or where you claim to "rule" over.
I am not as kind in my predictions of your fate as C. I know that, should you ignore us and continue your lies, your money & power will someday be as ashes in your mouths, or those of your children.
Such is the eventual fate of all unjust rulers, when their "subjects" arise and depose them.
"No more Turning Away, from the Weak and the Weary, ... No more Turning Away, from the Poor and Downtrodden ... There'll be No More Turning Away ..." - Pink Floyd, On the Turning Away
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Senate Republicans Seek to End Man-Made Drought - A message from Representative Devin Nunes, and a prediction from me.
Dear Friends,
Today, Senator Jim DeMint (South Carolina) and his Republican colleagues took action to restore the flow of water to dry California communities.
They offered an amendment to a bill moving through Congress that is similar to my legislation which House Democratic leaders have successfully blocked on multiple occasions (see video here).
This new development is thanks to the increasing national awareness of our suffering and is the direct result of the tireless work of people like Paul Rodriquez, Ray Appleton and Sean Hannity.
Senate Republicans took on our cause with the understanding that while many efforts are underway to resolve California’s long-term water challenges, relief is needed now.
We cannot undergo another year where water deliveries are shut down, only to be temporarily restored after farmland is transformed into desert. This unjust water policy prioritizes fish over families, has devastated San Joaquin Valley communities, and is threatening the water supply of large population centers- including those in Southern California.
Despite the nature of the suffering in our region, Senator Dianne Feinstein objected to the amendment, comparing the effort to gain passage of a one year Endangered Species Act waiver to Pearl Harbor. The filibustering of the DeMint amendment today is shameful. The fact that our own senior Senator is responsible adds insult to injury. A vote will occur later today.
See my YouTube Channel for video of the debate. Note: the video is in two parts

Devin Nunes

The following organizations supported the DeMint amendment today:
Tulare County Farm Bureau
Fresno County Farm Bureau
Kings County Farm Bureau
Families Protecting the Valley
Westlands Water District
San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority
San Joaquin River Exchange Contractors Water Authority
Chowchilla Water District
California Grape and Tree Fruit League
Fresno County Board of Supervisors
Western Growers Association
California Poultry Federation
California Citrus Mutual
California Cotton Ginners Association
California Cotton Growers Association
Nisei Farmers League
California Tomato Growers Association
National Cotton Council of America
California Farm Bureau Federation
Campos Brothers Farms
Today, Senator Jim DeMint (South Carolina) and his Republican colleagues took action to restore the flow of water to dry California communities.
They offered an amendment to a bill moving through Congress that is similar to my legislation which House Democratic leaders have successfully blocked on multiple occasions (see video here).
This new development is thanks to the increasing national awareness of our suffering and is the direct result of the tireless work of people like Paul Rodriquez, Ray Appleton and Sean Hannity.
Senate Republicans took on our cause with the understanding that while many efforts are underway to resolve California’s long-term water challenges, relief is needed now.
We cannot undergo another year where water deliveries are shut down, only to be temporarily restored after farmland is transformed into desert. This unjust water policy prioritizes fish over families, has devastated San Joaquin Valley communities, and is threatening the water supply of large population centers- including those in Southern California.
Despite the nature of the suffering in our region, Senator Dianne Feinstein objected to the amendment, comparing the effort to gain passage of a one year Endangered Species Act waiver to Pearl Harbor. The filibustering of the DeMint amendment today is shameful. The fact that our own senior Senator is responsible adds insult to injury. A vote will occur later today.
See my YouTube Channel for video of the debate. Note: the video is in two parts
Devin Nunes
If you would like to contact me, please visit my website at If you would like to be removed from my mailing list, please send a message to LISTSERV@LS1.HOUSE.GOV with the text "SIGNOFF NEWSLETTER-CA21" in the body of the message.
The following organizations supported the DeMint amendment today:
Tulare County Farm Bureau
Fresno County Farm Bureau
Kings County Farm Bureau
Families Protecting the Valley
Westlands Water District
San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority
San Joaquin River Exchange Contractors Water Authority
Chowchilla Water District
California Grape and Tree Fruit League
Fresno County Board of Supervisors
Western Growers Association
California Poultry Federation
California Citrus Mutual
California Cotton Ginners Association
California Cotton Growers Association
Nisei Farmers League
California Tomato Growers Association
National Cotton Council of America
California Farm Bureau Federation
Campos Brothers Farms
Dear Reader, you know what this means. It means that, if our very own Senator opposes an amendment introduced to benefit her "constituents" (sic) in the Valley, it's because it wasn't done her way. It doesn't benefit her best interests, which are apparently tied to insuring the continued swelling of both her political power, and her family coffers. (See Opinion & Commentary - "Truth vs. Constituency")
If you don't live in NObama County, and have yet to experience the likes of the blatant & outright lies of Senator's Feinstein & "Ma'am" Boxer, get ready for your local Democrat Senator or Politician to screw you, too.
We who live here in Central & Northern California remember "Ma'am" Boxer's promises of retraining & job assistance for the logging industry workers whose jobs were DESTROYED by President Clinton. The "aid" she promised never materialized, insuring that the hard working folk who had voted for her, and whose Unions had supported her, would be locked into poverty.
In the last century, pundits who wanted to illustrate the greatest poverty in America would use Appalachia as an example. They would point to the "greedy industrialists" who "subjugated" the miners of the coal fields, and idolize the Unions. The would look at the wanton greed and devastation wrought by those same "greedy industrialists."
In the latter days of this century, my fellow Citizens, we will point to the Central Valley of California and trace the Government imposed path of economic destruction wrought for the purpose of power and greed, by Partisan Politicians.
We will cite the wanton and intentional pollution of the man made wonder of the Sacramento Delta with the willful complicity of Government & "Environmentalists," in the same way Academics now point to Love Canal. We will detail how Democrat Senators acted in bald self interest & greed for power, giving the Democrat controlled municipalities of the Delta a total pass, blatantly licensing their wanton despoiling of this priceless resource with their sewage.
And in the same breath, we will reveal to all who have the uncommon sense to listen how they returned NObama County to the desert it once was, but not before causing misery to those who declined to make tribute to them. We will reveal how Senator Feinstein decided to serve only those who would feed her greed for power, leaving those too poor or too stubborn to pay her tribute to starve in the Dust Bowl that this once "Greatest Agricultural County" became.
We will detail the total disregard that Sen. "Ma'am" Boxer had for even addressing the pleas and cries of the residents of this once great Agricultural Paradise. We will show how she chose to support those who, out of hubris and greed for power & wealth not theirs by toil, sought to destroy what wonders had been made in the name of progress and plenitude.
We will look at our children, in their worn and frayed clothing, and explain that the reason we became a Third World Nation, that it was caused when those who'd once claimed to have seen the pain and poverty of the downtrodden turned from them, and embraced their own desire for rule, control and riches.
We will explain how they felt it was their "destiny" to rule over us, and conspired to impoverish and punish us for disagreeing with them. We'll explain how they felt that we were "too free," and "too rich." We will cite their own words, and show the videos that we've hidden away, the videos that detail how they claimed to "have no idea" of our desperation. As our children join us to scratch the earth for what little we can grow, we will look on with wistful envy, as we watch the descendants of Chinese Emperors bound across other planets, and as we pledge allegiance to the descendants of our hereditary President.
And we will weep bitter tears for our blindness.
And so will you.
If you don't live in NObama County, and have yet to experience the likes of the blatant & outright lies of Senator's Feinstein & "Ma'am" Boxer, get ready for your local Democrat Senator or Politician to screw you, too.
We who live here in Central & Northern California remember "Ma'am" Boxer's promises of retraining & job assistance for the logging industry workers whose jobs were DESTROYED by President Clinton. The "aid" she promised never materialized, insuring that the hard working folk who had voted for her, and whose Unions had supported her, would be locked into poverty.
In the last century, pundits who wanted to illustrate the greatest poverty in America would use Appalachia as an example. They would point to the "greedy industrialists" who "subjugated" the miners of the coal fields, and idolize the Unions. The would look at the wanton greed and devastation wrought by those same "greedy industrialists."
In the latter days of this century, my fellow Citizens, we will point to the Central Valley of California and trace the Government imposed path of economic destruction wrought for the purpose of power and greed, by Partisan Politicians.
We will cite the wanton and intentional pollution of the man made wonder of the Sacramento Delta with the willful complicity of Government & "Environmentalists," in the same way Academics now point to Love Canal. We will detail how Democrat Senators acted in bald self interest & greed for power, giving the Democrat controlled municipalities of the Delta a total pass, blatantly licensing their wanton despoiling of this priceless resource with their sewage.
And in the same breath, we will reveal to all who have the uncommon sense to listen how they returned NObama County to the desert it once was, but not before causing misery to those who declined to make tribute to them. We will reveal how Senator Feinstein decided to serve only those who would feed her greed for power, leaving those too poor or too stubborn to pay her tribute to starve in the Dust Bowl that this once "Greatest Agricultural County" became.
We will detail the total disregard that Sen. "Ma'am" Boxer had for even addressing the pleas and cries of the residents of this once great Agricultural Paradise. We will show how she chose to support those who, out of hubris and greed for power & wealth not theirs by toil, sought to destroy what wonders had been made in the name of progress and plenitude.
We will look at our children, in their worn and frayed clothing, and explain that the reason we became a Third World Nation, that it was caused when those who'd once claimed to have seen the pain and poverty of the downtrodden turned from them, and embraced their own desire for rule, control and riches.
We will explain how they felt it was their "destiny" to rule over us, and conspired to impoverish and punish us for disagreeing with them. We'll explain how they felt that we were "too free," and "too rich." We will cite their own words, and show the videos that we've hidden away, the videos that detail how they claimed to "have no idea" of our desperation. As our children join us to scratch the earth for what little we can grow, we will look on with wistful envy, as we watch the descendants of Chinese Emperors bound across other planets, and as we pledge allegiance to the descendants of our hereditary President.
And we will weep bitter tears for our blindness.
And so will you.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
A pointed letter from our Roving Correspondent - "Desire, and Execution."
Kris, thanks for more perspective on Obama's excursions into foreign affairs.
At the moment, I am especially concerned with the following excerpt from the Posner article (copied in full for further reference at the bottom of this message).
RE: Carter's attempts to negotiate peace in the Middle East as it relates to the meaning of Obama's withdrawal of missile defense in Poland, author Posner questions former Nat'l Security Adviser Brzezinski: "Where did the impetus come from in the Carter administration, and why aren’t we seeing it with Obama?"Brzezinski: "There was a closer connection between desire and execution. Also the president was not as deeply embroiled, and buffeted, by a very broad, and commendable and ambitious domestic program as President Obama is. I think the Republican onslaught to the president, the wavering of some Democrats, has vastly complicated not only his choices in foreign affairs, but even limited the amount of attention he can give to them."
My question:
So, what? Must Americans make the way smooth for Obama's domestic agenda to save the free world? Today, in advance of Obama's address to the UN, Dan Gillerman, former Israeli Ambassador, expressed
and btw - What am I missing here in the benefit American Jews see in being predominately Liberal when it appears to me that Conservative administrations have been more supportive of Israel's independence?
I'm now watching Obama speak to UN (literally pontificating, and I'm thinking, uh, oh, back to the Kyoto treaty which Bush refused to sign!) He begins, "No nation can escape the impact of climate change," and now is hyping new energy industries with regard to man's responsibility for reversing man-made climate problems. Meanwhile, the FBI is investigating bomb threats to NY subway system.
Now I'm suspecting Gillerman is key to an understanding of what's going on here. Despite his respectful references to Obama, I can see his concern in the following portion of an article that seems highly significant to me:
Obama guilty of naivety, says former Israeli diplomat
Dan Gillerman says US president’s recent actions reveal his ‘inexperience in foreign policy’
by Jonathan Freedland
The Guardian, UK
17 September 2009
One of Israel’s most senior former diplomats has launched a scathing attack on Barack Obama, accusing the US president of “naivety and inexperience in foreign policy” and ranking him alongside those guilty of an “appeasement” mentality.
Dan Gillerman, who until last year served as Israel’s ambassador at the UN, said he hoped international leaders would wake up to reality, especially “the president of the United States by whose naivety and inexperience in foreign policy, I am sometimes worried.
“Because thinking that going to Cairo and delivering a speech will change the Arab world is naive. Thinking that you can talk the Iranians into giving up their nuclear aspirations when you have a president who denies the Holocaust while preparing the next one and threatens to wipe Israel off the face of the map, is naivety.
“Thinking you can praise Medvedev and put down Putin before you go to Moscow in today’s world is naivety. And thinking that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the conflict and that solving it will make all other problems – Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, North Korea, Iran – go away is naivety.”
Later Gillerman said he hoped recent events would “awaken not only Barack Obama, [but also] some European leaders who have forgotten what happened over 60 years ago when appeasement was the name of the game.”
I am including the full Posner article that you referenced below for those who may need further reference to this matter. cbn
How Obama flubbed His Missile Message
by Jonathan Freedland
The Guardian, UK
17 September 2009
One of Israel’s most senior former diplomats has launched a scathing attack on Barack Obama, accusing the US president of “naivety and inexperience in foreign policy” and ranking him alongside those guilty of an “appeasement” mentality.
Dan Gillerman, who until last year served as Israel’s ambassador at the UN, said he hoped international leaders would wake up to reality, especially “the president of the United States by whose naivety and inexperience in foreign policy, I am sometimes worried.
“Because thinking that going to Cairo and delivering a speech will change the Arab world is naive. Thinking that you can talk the Iranians into giving up their nuclear aspirations when you have a president who denies the Holocaust while preparing the next one and threatens to wipe Israel off the face of the map, is naivety.
“Thinking you can praise Medvedev and put down Putin before you go to Moscow in today’s world is naivety. And thinking that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the conflict and that solving it will make all other problems – Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, North Korea, Iran – go away is naivety.”
Later Gillerman said he hoped recent events would “awaken not only Barack Obama, [but also] some European leaders who have forgotten what happened over 60 years ago when appeasement was the name of the game.”
I am including the full Posner article that you referenced below for those who may need further reference to this matter. cbn
How Obama flubbed His Missile Message
Gerald Posner,
Scrapping missile defense was the right thing to do, says former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski—but how the U.S. conveyed the decision to its Eastern European allies couldn’t have been worse.
President Obama’s decision Thursday to scrap the Bush administration’s missile-defense umbrella for Europe is being bemoaned by Republicans at home and top diplomats from Poland, which was slated to be the main staging ground for the missile system.But Zbigniew Brzezinski—who as Jimmy Carter’s Polish-born national security adviser confronted problems in Iran, Afghanistan, and the Middle East—says that dropping the missile-shield program gives the U.S. more defense options in Europe. At 81, Brzezinski, an early and enthusiastic Obama supporter, is as opinionated as ever about what America is doing right and wrong when it comes to the key foreign-policy issues.
“The Bush missile-shield proposal was based on a nonexistent defense technology, designed against a nonexistent threat, and designed to protect West Europeans, who weren’t asking for the protection.”
Brzezinski, who was considered a hawk in the Carter administration and was often touted by Democratic politicians as the party’s response to Henry Kissinger, spoke to The Daily Beast about how Obama flubbed the delivery of his decision to the Czechs and the Poles, why dropping the program won’t convince Russia to help us on Iran, and the effect of a possible Israeli preemptive strike on Tehran.Is the Obama administration decision to end the missile-defense program the right one?
Well, let me first of all say that my view on this subject for the last two years has been that the Bush missile-shield proposal was based on a nonexistent defense technology, designed against a nonexistent threat, and designed to protect West Europeans, who weren’t asking for the protection.
Does scrapping the missile program weaken our defense options in Europe vis-Ã -vis the Russians?
Not at all. What is left is militarily sounder. It gives the U.S. more options while still enhancing America’s ability to develop more effective defense systems, which is what the Russians really dislike. But now they have less of an excuse to bitch about it.
What about the way we informed our allies of our decision?
The way it was conveyed to the Czechs and Poles could not have been worse. It involved [laughs] waking up the Czech prime minster after midnight with a sudden phone call from President Obama. The Polish prime minister was at least allowed to sleep late. But as far as Poland was concerned, unfortunately, poor staff work did not alert the United States that today, September 17, is a particularly painful anniversary for Poland. In 1939, the Poles were still fighting the Germans when on September 17 the Russians stabbed them in the back. To the Poles, that is something very painful. And since they misconstrued—and I emphasize the word “misconstrue”—that the missile shield somehow strengthened their relationship with the U.S. when it comes to Russia, it was immediately suggestive of the notion of a sellout. It’s the wrong conclusion, but in politics, even wrong conclusions have to be anticipated.
How is it possible that the State Department did not bring up the sensitivity of this day to the Poles?
Lousy staff work. Period. I don’t know who precisely to point the finger at. It was obviously not anticipated in this case.
There are some pundits who believe that by abandoning the missile-defense program, we will gain the help of Russia when it comes to arm-twisting Iran over its nuclear weapons program. Anything to that?
I doubt it. The Russians have their own interests in Iran, which are far more complex than the simplistic notion that the Russians want to help us with Iran. The Russians have a complicated agenda with Iran. They also know in the back of their heads that if worse came to worse—and I am not saying they are deliberately promoting the worst—but if worse came to worse, which is an American-Iranian military collision, who would pay the highest price for that? First, America, whose success in ending the Cold War the Russians still bitterly resent. And we would also pay a high price in Iraq, Afghanistan, and massively so with regards to the price of oil. Second, who would suffer the most? The Chinese, who the Russians view as a long-range threat and of whom they are very envious, because the Chinese get much more of their oil from the Middle East than we do, and the skyrocketing price would hurt them even more than us. Third, who would then be totally dependent on the Russians? The West Europeans. And fourth, who would cash in like crazy? The Kremlin.
Is the fallout as bad if Israel preemptively strikes Iran?
Absolutely. That is the way, more importantly, how the Iranians would view it. They really can’t do much to the Israelis, despite all their bluster. The only thing they can do is unify themselves, especially nationalistically, to rally against us, and the mullahs might even think of it as a blessing.
How aggressive can Obama be in insisting to the Israelis that a military strike might be in America’s worst interest?
We are not exactly impotent little babies. They have to fly over our airspace in Iraq. Are we just going to sit there and watch?
What if they fly over anyway?
Well, we have to be serious about denying them that right. That means a denial where you aren’t just saying it. If they fly over, you go up and confront them. They have the choice of turning back or not. No one wishes for this but it could be a Liberty in reverse. [Israeli jet fighters and torpedo boats attacked the USS Liberty in international waters, off the Sinai Peninsula, during the Six-Day War in 1967. Israel later claimed the ship was the object of friendly fire.]
Did it surprise you that it took the Obama administration so long to do away with the missile-defense program? Is he setting firm lines that can’t be crossed, such as with Iran and Israel?
Well, Obama has been very impressive in refining our policy toward the world on a lot of issues, very impressive. But he has been relatively much less impressive in the follow-through.
You mean his policy sounds ideal but the follow-up isn’t good?
Not as precise, clear-cut, and forthcoming as would be desirable.
What would you like have seen already from this administration?
By now we should have been able to formulate a clearer posture on what we are prepared to do to promote a Palestinian-Israeli peace. Simply giving a frequent-traveler ticket to George Mitchell is not the same thing as policy. It took a long time to get going on Iran, but there is an excuse there, the Iranian domestic mess. And we are now eight months into the administration, and I would have thought by now we could have formulated a strategy that we would have considered “our” strategy for dealing with Iran and Pakistan. For example, the Carter administration, which is sometimes mocked, by now had in motion a policy of disarmament with the Russians, which the Russians didn’t like, but eventually bought; it had started a policy of normalization with the Chinese; it rammed through the Panama Canal treaty; and it was moving very, very openly toward an Israeli-Arab political peace initiative.
Where did the impetus come from in the Carter administration, and why aren’t we seeing it with Obama?
There was a closer connection between desire and execution. Also the president was not as deeply embroiled, and buffeted, by a very broad, and commendable and ambitious domestic program as President Obama is. I think the Republican onslaught to the president, the wavering of some Democrats, has vastly complicated not only his choices in foreign affairs, but even limited the amount of attention he can give to them.
Is there truth that the more issues he is embroiled in, the less he can act?
I don’t think it’s the number of issues; it’s how decisively a president acts. A president, in his first year, is at the peak of his popularity, and if he acts decisively, even if some oppose him, most will rally around him, out of patriotism, out of opportunism, out of loyalty, out of the crowd instinct, just a variety of human motives.
Some in the Obama administration have told me that it’s only just over half a year, and we are jumping to too early conclusions about anything. Are the early months more critical than other times in an administration?
The first year is decisive. How much you can set in motion the first year sets the tone for much of the rest of the term. In part, that’s because all these things take more than one year to complete. But the point is you want to have a dynamic start that carries momentum with it.
President Carter early on ran into strong opposition from American-based pro-Israeli lobbying groups that opposed the administration’s ideas for a peace initiative in the Middle East. What lesson should the Obama administration learn in formulating its own approach to an Israeli-Palestinian dialogue?
The lesson is if you are forthright in what you are seeking, you tend to mobilize support within the Jewish community. Because a majority of American Jews are liberal, and in the long run they know that peace in the Middle East is absolutely essential to Israel’s long-term survival.
Are you concerned about Afghanistan?
Quite unintentionally, but potentially and tragically, we are sliding into a posture which is beginning—and I emphasize the word “beginning”—to be reminiscent of what happened to the Soviets.
We have plenty of time to reverse course?
There is some time to reverse course. But time flies.
Gerald Posner is The Daily Beast's chief investigative reporter. He's the award-winning author of 10 investigative nonfiction bestsellers, ranging from political assassinations, to Nazi war criminals, to 9/11, to terrorism. His latest book, Miami Babylon: Crime, Wealth and Power—A Dispatch from the Beach, will be published in October. He lives in Miami Beach with his wife, the author Trisha Posner.
C., the level of hubris exhibited by this President & his Administration is unprecedented. "His" Health Care Bill is still unseen, and no matter what is rammed through Congress, He will claim it for His own.
Yet, at the same time He claimed Health Care would collapse if "His" non-existent Health Care Bill wasn't passed before the August Congressional recess. "Garbage In, Garbage Out."
He goes to the U.N. to plead His case for Neo-Fascism and a Post-Industrial West. He preaches that China, India and "the developing world" must increase their, consumption, while America must stop consuming. He preaches a Gospel of deprivation for America, where we can on longer produce and lead the World.
He says that everything He wants to get done is an "Emergency," yet when exhorted to bring troop levels higher in Afghanistan, His Administration orders the reporting General Officer to "stand down," while they "study" the issue, after making the statement that the General had declined to "report to" Congress.
What stinks about this statement? The General answers to the President. Period. If the President orders him to appear before Congress, HE MUST DO SO. The President is "Commander-in-Chief."
What we have here is a pattern of blatantly "passive-aggressive" behavior. Just like every other whining, self absorbed boob on the Tube, our first "Star" President loves to be both hero & victim at the same time. He feels damaged that we have defied his best efforts to "help us" achieve His Utopia. We decline to play our appointed role in His triumphant drama.
The problem is that we see His Utopia doesn't have any room for us. No matter what our skin color is, we won't fit in. No matter how hard we work, we can't earn his favor. We are fit only to be sucked dry, and then thrown away.
We don't yearn to kneel in sackcloth, kissing His feet. We don't want to give up what we've built. We desire to think freely, and have our own voices and opinions. We desire to excel, not to be dependent upon His non-existent graces.
Israel does not share His 'graces,' nor those of His supporters. Mr. Brys hopes that we forget that the Carter Administration was far more willing to abandon or even punish Israel than it was to help them. Ultimately, the Israelis have only lost ground through trying to negotiate peace.
Israel does not share His 'graces,' nor those of His supporters. Mr. Brys hopes that we forget that the Carter Administration was far more willing to abandon or even punish Israel than it was to help them. Ultimately, the Israelis have only lost ground through trying to negotiate peace.
Mr. Obama does not trust us any more than we trust Him. To Him, we are Ultimate Sinners. We must be cleansed.
And He, who "knows better," will cleanse us.
God Help Us. "He" won't.
Harry Reid, Earmark Junky: "Oh, we're giving up earmarks ... I promise ... But, please, just one more ..."
Just when you thought that it couldn't get any easier to stick a fork in "Obama's" Health Care Bill, here's a reality check from the New York Times:
September 22, 2009
Health Bill Could Assist Four Cancer Centers
After months of noisy public debates over big policy ideas like universal coverage and a public insurance option, the health care legislation is getting down to the fine print. This is the time when powerful members of Congress customarily tuck in their pet projects, either to please their constituencies or as sweeteners to win the votes of lawmakers who may be sitting on the fence.
Senator Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas, a wavering Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, has proposed expanding Medicare coverage of home infusion therapy, a form of treatment for a variety of purposes that is championed by a medical entrepreneur in her state. Senator Orrin G. Hatch, a Utah Republican on the panel, is seeking a health care tax break for any state that “begins with the letter U.”
But few proposed amendments to the health care bill now before the Finance Committee better exemplify the process than one that would help out the Nevada Cancer Institute. Known in Congressional parlance as a “rifle shot” — the narrowly focused tax or policy equivalent of a spending earmark — the proposal would provide more favorable Medicare payment rates to just a handful of specific medical facilities.
Three of them — a hospital under construction in Cleveland, a venerable center in Detroit and, apparently, another in New Jersey — are among some 40 “comprehensive cancer centers” that have received grants with that designation from the government’s National Cancer Institute. The young Nevada institute has not earned that status. It aspires to it, though, its Web site says.
Continued at the New York
My take - An earmark by any other name would still stink like a rotting skunk. These dopes are more isolated than the "Boy in the Bubble." Here's looking forward to the coming Independent Congress.
Still, it's comforting to see that, in the face of such massive & "Trans-formative" "Change & Hope," it's still "business as usual" in Congress, and that our "Representatives" will not "Change" until we all are in the streets. Here's to being told "What's in it for you!"
Everywhere but Home, Obama's looking weak. - From the Drudge Report
Analysis: Why everyone is saying no to Obama
Obama the impotent
'The disappointment with Barack Obama is tangible – on climate change and financial reform Europe leads while the US lags' - The UK Guardian
U.S. to push for new economic world order at G20
My comment - "Oh, goody! He's 'saved' the U.S. Economy by giving money to the Richest Guys, when they screwed the pooch in the first place. He failed. Now, he's taking it on the road. No wonder the foreign press thinks he's inept."
Obama the impotent
'The disappointment with Barack Obama is tangible – on climate change and financial reform Europe leads while the US lags' - The UK Guardian
U.S. to push for new economic world order at G20
My comment - "Oh, goody! He's 'saved' the U.S. Economy by giving money to the Richest Guys, when they screwed the pooch in the first place. He failed. Now, he's taking it on the road. No wonder the foreign press thinks he's inept."
Ben Stein: Dems are Elitists - That pretty much says it all ...
Y'know, I'm glad that Ben has the guts to say what so many of us down amongst the "little people" have been saying ... No, not "Follow the Yellow Brick Road," silly.
As a poor Republican child, and a sometimes less poor Conservative adult, I've always known this to be true. The people who always called me a racist, and the ones who refuse (like my neighbor across the street) to talk to me when I disagree with them, are always Democrat.
If you consider yourself a Democrat, be careful. Look at yourself, and your attitudes, and think about whether you're truly better than everyone else.
I know I'm not.
As a poor Republican child, and a sometimes less poor Conservative adult, I've always known this to be true. The people who always called me a racist, and the ones who refuse (like my neighbor across the street) to talk to me when I disagree with them, are always Democrat.
If you consider yourself a Democrat, be careful. Look at yourself, and your attitudes, and think about whether you're truly better than everyone else.
I know I'm not.
Monday, September 21, 2009
From the "It's all in how you say it" file to the "Oh my God, he actually said THAT!" file ...
Cheers to George Stephenopoulos for nailing down Mr. Obama on his assertion that "there are no new taxes in my Health Care Re-Form Bill ... HONEST!" I especially appreciated when Mr. Steph quotes THE DICTIONARY as to what a "tax" actually is:
Ok, so you've seen the lawyer at work ... How long do you think it'll be before he tries to redefine what "is" is?
So, in the words of the immortal Homer; "DOH!" Unfortunately, the folks he's referring to are supposed to be the professionals at this sort of thing ... perhaps it's time to go recruiting, maybe at Best Buy or Costco!
Or, just perhaps, they really meant to send the message they did, and deeply damage our East European policy, just when the Soviets are ready to flex their muscles ... why do I feel bilious, all of a sudden?
And, to paraphrase the dear, departed Billy Mays, "But, that's not ALL!" No, ol' Mr. Brys has more really great ideas. Apparently, he's still all "wee-wee'd up" at the Israelis for that silly old Liberty incident. Obviously, he hasn't heard of "forgive & forget," much less "live & let live," as long as those trying to protect themselves are Jews:
Ok, so you've seen the lawyer at work ... How long do you think it'll be before he tries to redefine what "is" is?
From the "Somebody needs a drool cup ... QUICK!" file comes the amazing assertion that proves beyond a doubt that Zbigniew Brzezinski's judgment was certainly *IRONY ALERT!* 'spot-on!' when he led the Carter Administration's response to The Iranian Hostage situation.
He begins, in this great interview from an unlikely source, The Daily Beast, with his opinion on the Administration's inept handling of the heretofore simple art of saying "SURPRISE, WE'RE SCREWING YOU! No advanced missile defense for you!" Apparently, he feels they really just need to work on their 'bedside manner':
What about the way we informed our allies of our decision?
The way it was conveyed to the Czechs and Poles could not have been worse. It involved [laughs] waking up the Czech prime minster after midnight with a sudden phone call from President Obama. The Polish prime minister was at least allowed to sleep late. But as far as Poland was concerned, unfortunately, poor staff work did not alert the United States that today, September 17, is a particularly painful anniversary for Poland. In 1939, the Poles were still fighting the Germans when on September 17 the Russians stabbed them in the back. To the Poles, that is something very painful. And since they misconstrued—and I emphasize the word “misconstrue”—that the missile shield somehow strengthened their relationship with the U.S. when it comes to Russia, it was immediately suggestive of the notion of a sellout. It’s the wrong conclusion, but in politics, even wrong conclusions have to be anticipated.
How is it possible that the State Department did not bring up the sensitivity of this day to the Poles?
Lousy staff work. Period. I don’t know who precisely to point the finger at. It was obviously not anticipated in this case.
So, in the words of the immortal Homer; "DOH!" Unfortunately, the folks he's referring to are supposed to be the professionals at this sort of thing ... perhaps it's time to go recruiting, maybe at Best Buy or Costco!
Or, just perhaps, they really meant to send the message they did, and deeply damage our East European policy, just when the Soviets are ready to flex their muscles ... why do I feel bilious, all of a sudden?
And, to paraphrase the dear, departed Billy Mays, "But, that's not ALL!" No, ol' Mr. Brys has more really great ideas. Apparently, he's still all "wee-wee'd up" at the Israelis for that silly old Liberty incident. Obviously, he hasn't heard of "forgive & forget," much less "live & let live," as long as those trying to protect themselves are Jews:
Is the fallout as bad if Israel preemptively strikes Iran?
Absolutely. That is the way, more importantly, how the Iranians would view it. They really can’t do much to the Israelis, despite all their bluster. The only thing they can do is unify themselves, especially nationalistically, to rally against us, and the mullahs might even think of it as a blessing.
How aggressive can Obama be in insisting to the Israelis that a military strike might be in America’s worst interest?
We are not exactly impotent little babies. They have to fly over our airspace in Iraq. Are we just going to sit there and watch?
What if they fly over anyway?Dear Reader, I hope you'll go and take a look at the sophomoric drivel the Progressives characterize as "gravitas." I get the feeling that he was barely hiding a snigger throughout this entire interview. Sadly, I can find very little in the Administration's actions to snigger over.
Well, we have to be serious about denying them that right. That means a denial where you aren’t just saying it. If they fly over, you go up and confront them. They have the choice of turning back or not. No one wishes for this but it could be a Liberty in reverse. [Israeli jet fighters and torpedo boats attacked the USS Liberty in international waters, off the Sinai Peninsula, during the Six-Day War in 1967. Israel later claimed the ship was the object of friendly fire.]
After further thought, more thoughts on identifying racism.
Here are some of the comments to My recent apology to Mr. Carter post, re-posted on My Central Valley Tea Party:
"I'm a racist, you're a racist, he's a racist, she's a racist, wouldn't you like to be a racist too!
Apparently, anyone who believes in limited government, low taxes and freedom is a racist. Happily, I have been a racist all of my life!"
"When racism was introduced to me, it was by a racist. So, when someone suggests racism he/she is a racist. How could it be anything else?"
Great observations, folks! The fact is, that is at least for those of us who are honest, we all notice skin color. I certainly notice, as have all the great photographers & artists we so justly revere. Yet, it doesn't color my response to people, other than the fact that I find women, no matter what their color is, to be beautiful.
As far as I know, that pretty much brands me as a "male chauvinist pig," by those who indulge themselves in branding people and judging them by the labels they've branded them with.
In psychological terms, this is called 'prejudice.' The person who brands others upon seeing them, 'judging the book by the cover,' is attempting to place them into a comfortable and predetermined category, with the simple & self serving purpose of making dealing with this person a matter of rote reaction.
Obviously, this is the "easy way out." It allows the brander to discount anything the brand-ee does or says as being "just part of the behavior" of whatever group they've generalized them into. It allows them to run away or identify as they choose, for their own comforts sake. As a friend once said, "Well, that's the way I was taught, and that's the way I'm gonna do it!"
So, do I accept Mr. Carter's assertion to me? Obviously, I do not. I do not brand him a "redneck, p-head cracker" anymore than I accept those who would brand me an "old hippy" because I wear my hair long and carry a sign in demonstrations. Yet I do understand that he sees others as racists, because it makes him feel better about his inability to talk them into following whatever it is he wants them to do.
Is James Earl Carter himself a racist? I would have to defer on that judgment, since I have not met Mr. Caretr face to face, or spoken with him about this subject. I do not see his assertion toward my actions as strengthening any argument he might make against being judged by his own habit of assigning the label of 'racist' upon others, but I refuse to tar him with his own brush. That would be small of me, and I refuse.
I refuse the comfort of putting individuals into predetermined groups. When I walk up to folks at a Tea Party Action Meeting, I often get the old "What you talkin' about, Willis?" look. Being a loud, long haired, bearded fellow, I immediately know this means I need to show who I am with words, so those folks will actually see me, and not just pigeonhole me.
And that's okay, since that lets me do what I most like to do ... Help other folks grow.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
62% Hold Populist, or Mainstream, Views - From Rasmussen
Thanks to Bill Beckham at My Central Valley Tea for the great link!
Sixty-two percent (62%) of voters nationwide now hold populist, or Mainstream, views of government. That’s up from 55% earlier in the year. These voters are skeptical of both big government and big business. (see crosstabs)
Only four percent (4%) now support the the Political Class, down from seven percent (7%) six months ago. These voters tend to trust political leaders more than the public at large and are far less skeptical about government.
More details as this article continues at Rasmussen
Sixty-two percent (62%) of voters nationwide now hold populist, or Mainstream, views of government. That’s up from 55% earlier in the year. These voters are skeptical of both big government and big business. (see crosstabs)
Only four percent (4%) now support the the Political Class, down from seven percent (7%) six months ago. These voters tend to trust political leaders more than the public at large and are far less skeptical about government.
More details as this article continues at Rasmussen
I just can't apologize enough to Jimmy Carter ...
Oh, I simply just can't apologize enough to ex-Pres. and incipient "Senile Dude" James Earl Carter.
You see, I posted an opinion piece about Him yesterday, and I assumed that his vituperative and weirdly preachy diatribe against "Racists" was aimed at me and other White People.
However, upon scanning the information available about Mr. Obama's "racial heritage," I was relieved to find out that President Obama is half - Caucasian!
"So what?" you say? "Who cares what color or race He is?" you say?
I'm shocked, stunned AND amazed! Don't you understand? Can't you see that, to Congressional Progressives, the Democrat Party, and every uptight, politically correct, color conscious Liberal in America, it's ALL ABOUT RACE!
It's all about making exceptions and excuses and pandering to special interest groups and attempting to separate and divide America by doing a "tar & feather" job on Tea Party Patriots and other dissident voices ... Which brings forth the question, "Hey, weren't the folks who are in power dissidents once, dissidents who claimed that they were exercising their 'free speech' rights?"
So, the real question is "Why are all those silent masses of Non-White, Non-Black, Non-like Pres. Obama Americans being called out for speaking against the obviously brilliant, yet strangely still unseen 'Obama Health Takeover Bill' ... ? Why can't they be good, silent guilty Americans, riddled with guilt by what someone who darn near destroyed our Economy AND Foreign Policy when he was President, said about them? Why can't they just see that it's just in Mr. Carter's best self interest to try to repaint Himself as a multi-racial genius, rather than the ineffectual political tool that He's actually become?
Ok, so James Earl Carter is a self-hating racist. I find that to be amazingly sad, and deeply pathetic.
I feel terrible for Him, since I cared for My Grandfather during his period of senile dementia, and it's a terrible thing to lose your powers of discernment & discretion, even for a gentleman of suspect intelligence such as Mr. Carter.
So, to Mr. Carter and his Family, I send my deepest sympathies and heartfelt apologies.
And to his Family, I send this advice:
Get double-keyed deadbolt locks, and hide the car keys. Oh, and should he become belligerent or violent, have a good sedative handy, and in the worst case ... DUCK!!!
Sorry, "Mr. Jimmy." Now, what's Charlie Gibson's excuse?
You see, I posted an opinion piece about Him yesterday, and I assumed that his vituperative and weirdly preachy diatribe against "Racists" was aimed at me and other White People.
However, upon scanning the information available about Mr. Obama's "racial heritage," I was relieved to find out that President Obama is half - Caucasian!
"So what?" you say? "Who cares what color or race He is?" you say?
I'm shocked, stunned AND amazed! Don't you understand? Can't you see that, to Congressional Progressives, the Democrat Party, and every uptight, politically correct, color conscious Liberal in America, it's ALL ABOUT RACE!
It's all about making exceptions and excuses and pandering to special interest groups and attempting to separate and divide America by doing a "tar & feather" job on Tea Party Patriots and other dissident voices ... Which brings forth the question, "Hey, weren't the folks who are in power dissidents once, dissidents who claimed that they were exercising their 'free speech' rights?"
So, the real question is "Why are all those silent masses of Non-White, Non-Black, Non-like Pres. Obama Americans being called out for speaking against the obviously brilliant, yet strangely still unseen 'Obama Health Takeover Bill' ... ? Why can't they be good, silent guilty Americans, riddled with guilt by what someone who darn near destroyed our Economy AND Foreign Policy when he was President, said about them? Why can't they just see that it's just in Mr. Carter's best self interest to try to repaint Himself as a multi-racial genius, rather than the ineffectual political tool that He's actually become?
Ok, so James Earl Carter is a self-hating racist. I find that to be amazingly sad, and deeply pathetic.
I feel terrible for Him, since I cared for My Grandfather during his period of senile dementia, and it's a terrible thing to lose your powers of discernment & discretion, even for a gentleman of suspect intelligence such as Mr. Carter.
So, to Mr. Carter and his Family, I send my deepest sympathies and heartfelt apologies.
And to his Family, I send this advice:
Get double-keyed deadbolt locks, and hide the car keys. Oh, and should he become belligerent or violent, have a good sedative handy, and in the worst case ... DUCK!!!
Sorry, "Mr. Jimmy." Now, what's Charlie Gibson's excuse?
Disclaimer: If you hadn't noticed, this post was written in the same style of joshing, jovial good humor that has been used in the past 8 years by luminaries such as Sen. Al Franken, Bill Mahr, Jeannine Garrafallo (?), David Letterman, Charlie Rangel, Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Wright, and ... GOSH! Even the President Himself!
So, if ya' don't get a laugh out of this, well, there's obviously something WRONG WITH YOU!!! WHAT ARE YOU, A RACIST???
Have a nice day! :)
Friday, September 18, 2009
"From The Trenches" - Our Weekly Wrap Up - Friday, Sept. 18, 2009
From the Editor -
Well, dear readers, we've actually made it to Friday! Another 'work week' is fast nearing its conclusion, and I'm ready to ask my weekly question; "What have we learned this week?"
Here are my questions and conclusions:
#1: "You LIE!"
Well, lets see ... The President was called a liar in a special session of Congress, the Republican Politician apologized, the President accepted the apology, the Democrat Leaders of Congress (who seem to think they can just "make it up" as they choose) refused to accept the apology and rammed through a vote excoriating the Republican Politician but doing absolutely zip as far as censure, and failed in trying to oust the Republican OR derail his re-election campaign by assuring that he would get twice as much money from supporters as the challenger would garner.
Alas, sadly, it was proven that the President actually was lying, which is further proven by the fact that His Health Care Bill still hasn't seen the light of day, though He seems to think it has.
#2: Ex-Pres. James Earl Carter calls "dissident" Citizens racists.
For some unknown reason, in his greatest failure since his failed Presidency, James Earl Carter asserted that "opposition to Obama is racist."
Pathetically Weird, and truly offensive to free speech believing Americans, since it apparently wasn't racist for Charlie Rangel, Maxine Waters, Jessie Jackson or Rev. Wright to call ex-Pres. Bush any number of nasty things, since ex-Pres. Carter never defended 'Dubya' or any other American against innumerable instances of what appear to me to be 'racist' remarks.
#3: ACORN "Jumps the Shark."
What do 2 'kids,' dressed like cartoon versions of a hooker and her "boyfriend" who show up at, from last count, 5 ACORN offices looking to get assistance with incredibly, blatantly illegal & immoral acts aimed at financing a fictional Congressional run by the 'boyfriend' get?
No, silly, they don't get thrown out the door by morally outraged employees, nor do the employees call or alert the authorities.
No, they actually get the illegal and immoral assistance they are 'seeking!" And not only do they get assisted, the employees make additional suggestions of incredibly immoral, racist and oppressive illegal acts!
And all of this is recorded on video & audio!
No, this isn't a Cohen Bros. comedy, this is real life! No, I'm not jerking your chain! REALLY!!!
#4: Why would Pres. Obama choose to make an announcement declining to put "advanced missile defense" in Eastern Europe on the 50th Anniversary of the Soviet Invasion of Poland?
Yes, Inexplicably Weird! And this brings forth such a torrent of questions that seem obvious to me; what exactly is the President telling (A) Iran, (B) The NATO Eastern Allies, (C) The Soviets, (D) Everyone Else who thought they were our Allies? What's next? Inviting Pres. Putin to move into the White House?
#5: "Welcome to America's Neediest President!"
And for a capper before dinner, lets point out that Pres. Obama will be on 5 (Yes! F-I-V-E-!) of the 6 Sunday Political Shows, selling His still "yet to be announced" Health Care Bill.
Anyone for "The President's Analyst"? Oh no, there's no 'Cult of Personality' going on here ... after all, Pres. Obama has only given 100 more interviews and appearances that the former record holder, Pres. Clinton.
And I haven't even covered half of the real fun! More after dinner, folks ... or maybe tomorrow.
I have a headache.
#4: Why would Pres. Obama choose to make an announcement declining to put "advanced missile defense" in Eastern Europe on the 50th Anniversary of the Soviet Invasion of Poland?
Yes, Inexplicably Weird! And this brings forth such a torrent of questions that seem obvious to me; what exactly is the President telling (A) Iran, (B) The NATO Eastern Allies, (C) The Soviets, (D) Everyone Else who thought they were our Allies? What's next? Inviting Pres. Putin to move into the White House?
#5: "Welcome to America's Neediest President!"
And for a capper before dinner, lets point out that Pres. Obama will be on 5 (Yes! F-I-V-E-!) of the 6 Sunday Political Shows, selling His still "yet to be announced" Health Care Bill.
Anyone for "The President's Analyst"? Oh no, there's no 'Cult of Personality' going on here ... after all, Pres. Obama has only given 100 more interviews and appearances that the former record holder, Pres. Clinton.
And I haven't even covered half of the real fun! More after dinner, folks ... or maybe tomorrow.
I have a headache.
From our Roving Correspondant, C. Brooks Nielsen -
My view of Hannity's "Water Show"
I obeyed a nagging urge to take off about 3 pm yesterday for what turned out to be a huge gathering for the Hannity water show. Good thing nobody with a busier life went with me since it was a 6 hour adventure with traffic and all. I got home just in time to see the EST airing of the show at 9.
I was glad to survive navigating a lot of "clods," (both walking and driving!) and to get to mingle with a wide spectrum of people, reminiscent of what I remember of the population of my first 55 years in this valley.
The last several years, I have not been sold on the "indigence" picture that has been painted over the good stuff of Central California. So I am particularly gratified to see our water problems bringing some attention to the poor maintenance & preparation of water conveyance and infrastructure in this state. Just like everything else I've observed over time, it takes a heap of grief piled upon the earnest populace to focus politicians down onto the fundamental business of government.
I see a needed course correction coming in current attention to rooting out corruption in public/private partnerships that create dishonorable plots to 'manage' the populace. So many times I've seen good plans and good times creating the same old challenge; To ethically cope with a growing population.
The question right now is, will this most recent American experiment in "managing" civilization fight off the urge to:
-do a China and rule that people can have only two kids, most of them boys
-do a USSR and starve out the old weak and lame
-do a Third Reich and slaughter a whole demographic
-do a Rome and capture lands from other countries
or will our Republic show us capable of actually taking a positive leap for humanity this time around?
The good news, at least from my viewpoint in this remote location, is that I expect my grandkids kids might be seeing at least as many positive possibilities in their own lives in this country as I have in my time.
A quiet plea.
The only way to stop a bully is to scare him, so it's good to see many insisting upon an immediate FBI
Meanwhile, Californians need to demand an IRS audit of Costa, Cardosa, Pelosi, Miller, Boxer, and Feinstein. If anyone out there likes this idea and knows how to get it in gear, please advise!
Thanks for tuning in, folks. I'll have more on the Hannity Water Broadcast and The Official Reaction tomorrow.
Be Cool.
Thanks for tuning in, folks. I'll have more on the Hannity Water Broadcast and The Official Reaction tomorrow.
Be Cool.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Why is disagreeing with President Obama 'Racist'?'
I'm offended.
Here I am, a White Middle Aged American Male, and persons who feel that they have power over me make it plain that, since I deign to disagree with President Obama, I am a "Racist."
Never mind the fact that these persons don't know me from Adam, or even Eve. Never mind that I grew up with persons of all sorts of origins, learned with and FROM them, debated them, played with them, worked with them and in adult life, partied with and even served them, as a pastor & counselor. These persons look at me and my opinions and commentary, and judge me to be "Racist" because I'm a White Male.
These "powerful persons," the same ones who make no secret that they went out of their way to avoid being in Washington last weekend, call me a "Racist" because I have the temerity to disagree with them.
Let me be clear.
If I were to be a "Racist," I certainly wouldn't have opposed President Obama. I would be laying low, waiting for the failure that will inevitably come if Government Single Payer Insurance is instituted. I won't belabor this assertion, since anyone who honestly looks around will be able to see what works and what won't work, and for whom every policy decision works. I can simply say that I'd be quietly biding my time, instead of calling out to the "Opposition" to simply tell the Truth.
I want Mr. Obama to be a successful President. I believe that, as all successful Presidents before him, he will succeed through doing what is right, and by following the Constitution. We simply disagree about which management philosophy is right, and what the Constitution actually says.
If I were a "Racist," I wouldn't be standing carrying a sign under the burning sun, alongside persons who make their living picking tomatoes or riding tractors. I wouldn't have opened my home and heart to strangers who needed someone to care, or a Pastor to counsel with.
If I were a "Racist," I'd simply not care.
But, I do care. I care because I spent four days in the sweltering summer of 1965 cowering under my Aunts dining room table, because we were only 3 miles from where the Watts Riots were taking place. I still remember with tears how after those four days were over, we crept out, crossed Firestone Blvd. to the Supermarket, only to find the doors chained from the inside. I still remember the relief on the clerks faces when they saw that it was just my Aunt and some little kids. My Aunt still talks about the fear that her friends felt, and how they went back to their teaching jobs with fear and trepidation, and how she felt when her students said they would have defended her life with their own.
And the memory still brings tears to my eyes.
I care because I was Mentored and loved by my teacher, Mary Simpson, at the Fresno State Laboratory School. I didn't know or care what color Mary was, she taught me & loved me like I was her own child, and she was a great friend to my mother. I especially remember one very stormy day when I was afraid, and my Mom was very late & Mary stayed just to make sure I was safe. I miss her.
I care because I went to school with some of the Curry kids, and had the privilege of looking up to Dr. & Mrs. Curry. The Curry's were community leaders, persons who did their best to always look past color or division, to help others to grow and learn. I remember their grace & dignity, and miss them, too.
I remember how it felt to be an awkward, nerdy, gentle 15 year old "churchboy" who, while walking across the Madera High School campus, had his bike security chain jerked out of his hand, only to be thrashed with it while his assailant laughed and taunted him. I remember how my Mother begged me not to press charges, because she would be subjected to reprisals at her job. I remember counseling with my Priest, who said that the best thing was to simply forgive my assailant, for he would certainly come to a poor end. It was good counsel, and I did just that.
I remember mi Papi, who lived next door and raised 8 kids of his own, and helped raise me. I remember how he was always proud to take us with the Family to pick crops during the summertime, and how he laughed when the "vatos" who thought I was a gringo gave me hot peppers, thinking I would gag or something. I smiled and ate every one, and Papi laughed.
I remember my friend Justino, who drove the school bus and was proud to be a School Janitor. He stood up for me when other kids would make fun because I moved slowly and my hands shook. He never looked down on me, nor did he coddle me. And I remember that day, a horrible day, that I came down with the Flu, and on the way to the School Nurse's office, I collapsed. The only reason I wasn't hurt was Justino, who happened to be passing and caught me before I hit the *very* hard floor.
I remember how he seemed embarrassed when my Mom thanked him after I got out of the Hospital and came back to School. He taught me modesty & grace, and most importantly, how to be a good friend. Remembering him, and how he smiled with pride when I graduated from Jr. High, still bring me tears.
I still remember my High School Drivers Ed teacher, Mr. F.
He was one of my great role models, along with my Sociology instructor and Horticulture instructor. Mr. F would, on the first day of class, walk the aisles and toss copies of the Highway Patrolman magazine on our desks. We then had to look and read each page, and write a comment for each, then write a report on the whole issue. The magazines were filled with accident reports and pictures, with little or no censoring of the bloody details. We saw what happens to bad drivers and drunks. We saw what happens when people are irresponsible or sloppy.
These are just a few of the persons who shaped my view of what matters. What matters to me is that these persons never shirked what they took on as a duty to me. What matters to me is that they taught personal responsibility.
What didn't matter to the good examples in my life was what color I was. I was a child , taught to be loving and trusting by a dedicated, loving mother.
The color of skin, or for that matter, the physical characteristics of the person, didn't matter. Who they were on the outside did not matter. The person they showed they were inside was what always mattered.
I believe that I must discern a mans nature by what he says. Before today, I'd always tried my best to believe that, no matter how crappy a manager Mr. Carter was when he was in office, he was a man of good will. I no longer believe it in any way. He's just another self serving, mealy-mouthed Politician.
He has proven to be a man without wisdom.
And I am offended.
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